Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

article 5
by: yogi prihantono
30 / 2 gb 3

When you fall to my arms
when you sleeps for 100 years
never will brings your down
your the heart of the crowns
and the blood of all my life time

article 4
by: yogi prihantono
30 / 2 gb 3

hamster are funny.
They are funny pets.
They are eats hamster mix.
They like fruits and nut, too.
Only feed hamster things that are good for them.
Kids like to play with hamster.
Classrooms have them for pets.
Kids take care of the hamsters, so they stay healthy.
You ever pley with hamster?

article 3
by: yogi prihantono
30 / 2 gb 3

I live in one village of jogja.
My village is the Marapi hill.
In here is very cool.
Many people in this village are farmers.
Because, here many Ricefields.
And farmers search grass in ricefields.
All of village people don't buy rice and
vegetebles because they have many here.
Live in village is rich.

Jumat, 13 Maret 2009

Karate Di Indonesia
Yogi prihantono
30 / 2 GB3
mid test

Olahraga ini berasal dari Jepang. Pada awalnya karate di Indonesia hanya 1 saja. Beberapa tahun kemudian samakin banyak ahli karate Setelah itu, banyak sekolah-sekolahkarate yang diantaranya KKI, inkanas, Inkai, Inkado, Dll. Namun yang populer di Jogja hanya Inkanas, dan KKI. Olahraga ini banyak di gemari. Sebab tidak membutuhkan alat yang hanya bermodal fisik. Ini adalah salah satu olahraga yang murah. Ayo berolahraga agar kita sehat !

Karate in indonesia
Yogi prihantono
30 / 2 GB3
mid test

This sport came from Japan. The firs Karate is only one in Indonesia.some year leter more spesialis Karate. And than, some karate schools is KKI, Inkanas, Inkadoand more than.However the popular in jogja is Inkanas and KKI.many people like this sport. Because don’t need many matrials. Olnly need physical. It is one of many sport chip. Came on play spot, we so that healty!

( Mid test )

(Mid test)


Olahraga catur adalah olahraga yang menyenangkan dan sulit. Olahraga ini tidak menggunakan fisik atau tenaga, tapi olahraga ini menggunakan pikiran. Banyak orang berpikir ini bukan olahraga, tapi cuma permainan pikiran. Padahal ini adalah olahraga untuk kita, agar otak kita bisa berkonsentrasi dengan benar. Maka olahraga ini penting bagi otak kita bukan olahraga fisik saja yang di perhatikan.


The chess sport is sport that funny and default. This sport not uses physic or energy, but this sport use a mind. Many people think this not sport, but just mind game. Whereas it a sport for our, because our brain can contravention with true. Then sport is important for our brain, not just sport physic that attention.

Nama : Satrio Septiono
Kelas : 2 gb 3
No : 17

Selasa, 03 Maret 2009


Yogyakarta is a city famous for the heritage and history. Yogyakarta is a center of Mataram kingdom (1575-1640), and until now have Kraton (Palace), which is still functioning in the real sense.

Yogyakarta also has many temples that are thousands of years old is the residual kingdoms of antiquity, including the Borobudur Temple was built in the 9th century dynasty by dynasty.

Community living here in peace and have a warmth that feels so khas. Atmosfir art in Yogyakarta. Malioboro, which is intravenously Jogja, filled with craft items from each city. Many people who visited the city of Jogja said that I was always nostalgic. Have to here, you will surely understand the reason.

In the re-write by:
Satrio Septiono

In the capture of :


The beach is a popular beach in Yogyakarta, the beach, located 27 kilometers from the city of Yogyakarta is also the part of the power of Ratu Kidul. The name, derived from the word parang (= stone) and tumaritis (= water droplets).

The beach is a beach full of myths, some attraction is felt in this beach. So do not forget that if you visit Jogja.

In the re-write by: Satrio Septiono

In the capture of:


Student safety is the school founded by Ki Hadjar Dewantara on 3 July 1922 in the year Yogyakarta.Pada first time was established, the school is given the name "National Institute of Taman Siswa Onderwijs", and realized together with his friends in paguyuban. Taman Siswa is the mother Pawiyatan (Luhur Assembly) in Jalan Taman Siswa, Yogyakarta, and the school has branches in many cities (129 branches) throughout the country until now.

Basic principles of education in the Taman Siswa that are not foreign in our ears is:

1. Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodo (in front of us give an example)

2. Ing Madya Mangun Karso (in the middle of building initiatives and work together)

3. Tut Wuri Handayani (behind the power-giving spirit and encouragement).

In the re-write by:
Satrio Septiono

In the capture of: